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tAtB tCtD tEtF tGtH tItJ tKtL tMtN tOtP tQtR tStT tUtV tWtX tYtZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
KIRAN JEWELS +triangles 42
KIRANDEVI SARAF +triangles 16
KIRTIKUMAR +triangles 6, 19
KITACTION-500 +triangles 5
KIVI +triangles & square 35
KK +triangles & squares 35
KLASS +triangles 7, 9, 11
KMT +hexagon & triangles 7
KNACK TECHNOPACK +triangles 35
KNC +triangles & hexagon 7
triangles 42
KND +triangles cross square 35
KNEEQ +triangles 35
KNS +triangles 11
KOC +hexagon & triangles 11
KOLON +triangles 9
KOLON + triangles 17, 24
KONSPEC +triangles 17
KORUS +triangles 9
KOTHARI +triangles 7
KPW +squares & triangles 21
KR KERUI GROUP +triangles 1, 35, 37, 42
KR POWERKING +triangles 7
KR ROBUST +triangles 7
KR SIMPEX +triangles 7
KRAFT +triangles 17, 18, 35
KRATU +triangles 7, 9, 42
KRIP +triangles 24
KRIPA +triangles & stars 38
triangles 7
KRISNA COTREX +triangles 35, 37
KRYSTAL GROUP +triangles 42
KSC +triangles & square 35
KT +triangles & square 12
KTC +triangles 3, 5
triangles 16
KUDU +triangles 29, 30, 42
KUKREJA BUILDERS +triangles 16
KUSUMA advocates +triangles 45
KVM GROUP +triangles 37
KWIK seal +triangles 1
KYOCERA +triangles 9
KYOCERA +triangles & arrows 7, 10
KYOCERA +arrows & triangles 1, 18, 23, 24, 25
KYROS DEVELOPERS +triangles 37
L +triangles 1
L +triangles & square 7
L ASHLOK +triangles 9
L S.E.E. +triangles 9
L&B +arcs & triangles 17
L.T. ELEVATOR +triangles 7
LA BELLA +triangles 4, 6, 14, 26, 28, 34, 36, 37, 38, 45
LAB TEST +oval & triangles 9
LABCARE +oval & triangles 10
LALANI GROUP +triangles 35, 36
LALANI group +triangles 37
LALIT +triangles 8, 11
LANSON VENTURES +triangles 16, 30
LARAON +triangles 35, 37, 39, 41
LASER WORDS +triangles 16
LAXMI +triangles 30
LE BENT +triangles & circle 25
LE MILL +triangles 24
LEE PARKE +triangles 25
LEGAL PYRAMIDS +triangles 45
triangles 16
LEGISTIX +triangles 42
LEMILL +triangles 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 27, 33, 35
LEO +triangles & drops 4
LEP MAXEL plus +triangles 7
LEVAIRA +triangles & square 14, 35
LFS +triangles 11, 25, 35, 36, 43
LG LYSTEN GLOBAL +triangles 5
LIBERTY ATOZ +triangles 3
LICEC +triangles & arrow 35
LIFE LAB +oval & triangles 5, 16, 35
LIFESTYLE +triangles 7, 11
LINDSTROM +triangles 8
LINEINGLISH +triangles 41
LINGONG +triangles 7, 12, 35, 37
LIPU +triangles 7
LISTER PETTER +triangles 7
LITOMANIA +triangles circle 41
LOKMAT MANTHAN +triangles 16
LOOKING BEYOND +triangles 41
LOOMIS +triangles & square 6, 36, 39, 45
LOTTUSSE +triangles 25
LOTUS ARASCAPES +triangles 37
LOUIS ALBERTI +triangles 25
LPI +triangles 7
LPM +arrow & triangles 19
LPT +goddess & triangles 7, 16, 37, 42
LS lisha +triangles 11
LUBOND +triangles 6
LUCID +triangles & arrow 42
LUCRUM +triangles 7
LUMYNAX +triangles 11
LUNATIK +triangles 18
LYGOL +triangles 5
LYSOFORM +triangles 3, 5
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